The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum have announced the winners of the "Europe 40 Under 40" for 2019. The annual program is initiated by The European Centre to spotlight and distinguish the next generation of architects and designers who will impact future living and working environments, cities, and rural areas.

The program is open to all young architects, landscape architects, urban planners, and industrial designers currently under the age of 40, working independently, in a firm, or on a specific project as the lead designers. Spread across Europe, the selected young recipients for the 2019 "Europe 40 Under 40" come from Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom.
Winner's List
1. Elina Kritikou- EKKY Studio Architects L.L.C. (Cyprus)
3. Simon BarthelemyNOVO architectures(France)
4. Raphael Bétillon- Bétillon &Freyermuth architects (France)
5. Moïse Boucherie- TRACKS Architectes(France)
6. Fabien Brissaud- MOBILE Architectural Office (France)
7. Meriem Chabani- TXKL Architectes Urbanistes (France-Algeria)
8. Benjamin Cros- Cros & Leclercq Architectes (France)
9. Michel De Rocca Serra- ORMA ARCHITETTURA (France)
10. Florent Descolas-OYAPOCK ARCHITECTES (France)
11. Florian Faye- Faye Architectes (France)
12. Guillaume Freyermuth- Bétillon et Freyermuth architects (France)
13. Jean Luc Fugier- PAN architecture (France)
14. Véronique Hours- A.P.Arts (France)
15. Michel Juen-Michel Juen Architecte dplg (France)
16. Pierre Lelievre- ATELIER L2 (France)
17. Christophe Lemoal-Lemoal Lemoal Architectes (France)
18. François Lepeytre-Atelier CMJN (France)
19. Jean-François Madec-JEAN-FRANCOIS MADEC ARCHITECTE (France)
20. Lorenzo Majer-bianchimajer (France)
21. Pauline Marchetti-Ferrier Marchetti Studio (France)
22. Anne-Julie Martinon-MAAJ ARCHITECTES (France)
23. Adrien Mondine-OYAPOCK ARCHITECTES (France)
24. Ronan Prineau-Atelier Ronan Prineau (France)
25. Vanessa Larrère- OECO ARCHITECTES (France)
26. Jean-Benoît Vétillard- Jean-Benoît Vétillard Architecture (France)
27. Ilias Papageorgiou- PILA (Greece)
28. Maria Tsaftari- Urban Soul Project (Greece)
29. Τhomas O Brien- t o b architect (Ireland)
30. Marco Tanzilli- TA.R.I-Architects (Italy)
31. Jakub Cieślik- grupaVERSO (Poland)
32. Anna Paszkowska- Grudziąż - 81.WAW.PL (Poland)
33. Łukasz Skorek- KUMSTUDIO- Łukasz Skorek (Poland)
34. Carlos Quevedo Rojas -Carquero Arquitectura (Spain)
35. Rocío Pina- ENORME Studio (Spain)
36. Mijke De Kok- Studio Valkenier (The Netherlands)
37. Mehmet Cemil Aktaş- Caps.Architecture and Planning (Turkey)
38. Ilgın Avcı- Cirakoglu Avci Architecture Studio-CAA.Studio (Turkey)
39. Fatih Yavuz- FREA (Turkey)
40. Scott Kyson- Studio Kyson (United Kingdom)
The forty architects and designers of 2019 were selected by a jury of four architects:
- Tsampikos Petras: Architect, Founder of Petrās Architecture
- Thanasis Polyzoidis: Architect, Co-Founder of Topio7 Architecture
- Iro Skouloudi: Architect, Designer of KUKUNARI wooden lamps
- Tzina Sotiropoulou: Architect, Co-Founder of Architectones02, Founder of SLUS.gr
All winning projects will be featured in the "EUROPE 40 UNDER 40" exhibition that will take place in June 2020 in Athens, Greece, at the European Centre (74 Mitropoleos Street). Both the dates and the duration of the exhibition will be announced shortly.
News via The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies